We are thrilled to announce that we are collaborating with the ASRF on an ABC specific case study project. This project will enable us to write up AND PUBLISH 20 case studies from ABC practitioners. This is a monumental first step in getting the remarkable results we see in ABC practices documented and published. It will provide us with the foundation needed to build a strong research portfolio.

The case studies will highlight the transformative effects of ABC, from improved patient outcomes to innovative treatment methods. By having these case studies published, we will not only validate our work but also attract attention from healthcare professionals and researchers outside our circles, potentially leading to more collaborative studies and a  broader appreciation of Advanced BioStructural Correction™.

It’s an important starting point for us building a research library around ABC. It’s also a key requirement for being becoming an Expert/Level 3 ABC Certified Practitioner.

The detailed Case Report Guide shares all the information you need to get started with your case study submission.
This project is open to all ABC Certified Practitioners, and would be particularly beneficial to those at Level 2, to help meet requirements need to advance to Level 3.

Info session replay with Clare McIvor

Donate today to keep ABC research moving forward!

All donations will be sent to the ASRF for their work with our Case Study Project, with a tax deductible receipt.